Saturday, November 5, 2011

Rapunzel Bow Holder

As I have mentioned before, I love Pinterest.  That is where I got the idea to make this Rapunzel hair bow holder.  Abby has a ton of bows, as do most girls - so I thought that it would be fun to make.  I have had the stuff for over two months, so I was glad to get it finished and the stuff finally used up!  I took some pictures to show you how I did it along the way, but the original directions that I used were here :

Here are some pics of my attempt - had I thought about it, I would have used a softer fabric instead of canvas for the face such as a t-shirt, but it worked out ok.
Here are the supplies that you will need for this project: 
** I used a styrofoam disc, but I think that cardboard would work fine. 
** Polyfill
**Glue Gun and Sticks
** Scissors
** I used a cheap canvas bag instead of paying for canvas bty (by the yard), or a t-shirt would be ok
** Yarn - I chose to do brown to mimmick the color of Abby's hair.

First, I cut the polyfill to be the same size as the disc, I used 4 layers.....I think it was a good amount.

Next I cut the canvas about 2" or so bigger than the disc so I could wrap it and glue it.

Then I started to just cinch the fabric around and glue it to the styrofoam disc until it was secure all the way around.

This is what the finished product will look like.  I also glued a piece of cardstock to the back to keep everything looking neat.

Next I made three sets of twenty strands of yarn that were 4 feet long.  Yes, it is a lot of yarn, but it does not turn out quite that long by the time you are finished. Finally, you will need to braid all three sets together to get one long thick braid.  Here are a few pics of that.

I didn't get any pictures of the next steps because my fingers were so burn from trying to glue all the yarn on, but you can pretty much figure it out how I did it.  I just used some yarn pieces and made the rest of the hair.  I am not the most artistic person, so the face is still faceless - and Abby doesn't mind.  So, here is what the finished product looks like:

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